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New website officially launched during STH gebruikersmiddag

· 2 min read
Robin de Veer (TNO)

We are very proud that today, during the 'Semantic Treehouse gebruikersmiddag' in Utrecht, we officially launched the new Semantic Treehouse website. By launching this new website, a long-cherished wish to work towards an own, unique look-and-feel has been fulfilled. The first step is now taken by the design of the Semantic Treehouse (STH) website, but the STH platform and its community implementations itself will, in the near future, also evolve into this new style.

The new website contains several improvements, including:

  • User-oriented content to better align with their desire to know how Semantic Treehouse can be used for publishing and maintaining a standard, engaging a user community, and examining implementations technically.
  • Our own story, namely the genesis of STH, with a focus on how we have incorporated our own experiences and struggles with developing and managing standards as functionality into the STH suite.
  • Customer stories from the various standard development communities that use STH in which they showcase the added value STH offers them.
  • Extensive documentation for users, but also developers, community managers and administrators.
  • A blog with the latest updates, news items, deep dives in one of the STH components, research topic, our roadmap, talks, etc.

Many thanks to Simon from Friendly Pixel for designing and collaboratively developing the new website.