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New front-end for Semantic Treehouse

· 2 min read
Robin de Veer (TNO)

Semantic Treehouse has a new front-end! At the end of November we rolled out the new front-end version 3 for all Semantic Treehouse environments. Although it is still a beta version (v3.0.0-beta), the new front-end fully covers all views from the previous environment and has been extensively tested so that using it is an immediate improvement.

Besides a new look and feel, many more improvements have been made in the new Semantic Treehouse front-end:

  • Vertical menu bar: by moving the menu from the top to the left, there is more space for displaying the contents of the data models.
  • User friendly routing: there is better emphasis on the most important content and fewer steps are required for a user to get to what they are looking for. Also, the search function is available in more views.
  • Improved specifications overview: a better specifications overview with limited information on each specification and more focus on the newest specifications. For example, users can directly go to the treeview of a certain specification and the most important and/or recent specifications are highlighted.
  • Multi-language support: STH platforms can be displayed in multiple languages. Each platform can set its own preferred language and enable support for other languages.
  • Clean, simple user interface: the user interface has been given a modern, fresh and clean appearance, which for example makes comparing specifications in the treeview easier.

Special thanks to Simon from Friendly Pixel for designing and collaboratively developing the new front-end.

Check out the new front-end at any of the Semantic Treehouse platforms. We would like to hear how you experience using the new front-end. We also would like to hear from you if you encounter any bugs or improvements. You can contact us via Discord.