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SETU | Standards for flexible staffing

· 5 min read

Click here for original interview in Dutch

"Semantic Treehouse supports us in making the step towards a syntax independent data model that can be expressed in both XML and JSON"

Kevin Boumans is a software architect at employment agency Driessen. When exchanging data between the various parties, they use the SETU standards, just like many other agencies. Kevin is also a board member of the SETU. We had a talk with Kevin to hear from both perspectives what his experiences are with the Semantic Treehouse platform.


The SETU foundation was established in 2007 to provide the temporary employment sector with standards for electronic messaging between temporary workers and their hirers. SETU is one of the communities that created the need for Semantic Treehouse to publish online and support the standardization process of the SETU standards. For more information:


What is the added value of the SETU standards for Driessen?

'We use the SETU standards for external communication: directly to customers or to the customer's software supplier. As soon as we have to set up a link with a customer, we aim for electronic communication according to the SETU standard. In large tenders, the SETU standards are often already mandatory if we want to bid for them.'

'It is a win-win situation. Win for Driessen, because linking via the SETU messages saves us a lot of development and implementation costs. There is much less complexity in our IT landscape because you agreed upon the same language with all parties. There is also a win for our customers; they can easily link to other agencies that also support the SETU standards.'

Kevin says that they always indicate a preference for SETU messages from Driessen to their customers. The next steps depend on the customer's knowledge of SETU messages. “When the customer is already familiar with the SETU standard, you can quickly dive into the content of the SETU messages. We then immediately discuss which messages we are going to exchange and walk through those messages based on the specifications that have been published in Semantic Treehouse. It indicates which elements are mandatory in a message, the definitions, code lists and any additional instructions.'

It also happens that Driessen connects with parties for which the SETU is new. 'With these parties, it starts with showing what a message flow looks like according to the SETU. This is often done verbally with support from the SETU website. In addition, we send them a number of sample messages, comments and explanations attached. I send them the link to the Semantic Treehouse platform for SETU, so they can study the details. The messages that they create can also be checked independently using the validation service offered in the platform.

When the validation tests are successful, Kevin and his team can take the next step in customer integration and test the content of the message. 'During the entire development process, our partners regularly run into questions' Kevin adds. 'Most of the answers to these questions can be found in the documentation or you can solve them yourself through the validation service of Semantic Treehouse. That is very nice, because they can continue immediately and do not have to wait for input from us.'

How is Semantic Treehouse used within Driessen?

'When we have to do new implementations or version adjustments ourselves, we use the platform for documentation. We are an active member of standards development working groups. In addition, we submit change requests, discuss them and keep an overview of the meeting documents.'


"The SETU organization and its employees are supported by the Semantic Treehouse platform in their work in management and development of the standards."
- Kevin Boumans

From your role as board member of the SETU: what challenges does the SETU face and to what extent does Semantic Treehouse contribute to this?

For Kevin it is important that the SETU keeps a close eye on what is going on in the market. Think of changes in the law, but also other developments such as working from home, something that has taken off enormously in recent years. This requires adjustments and the development of new standards for information exchange in the temporary employment sector. 'The SETU organization and its employees are supported by the Semantic Treehouse in their work in management and development of the standards.'

Finally, what development would you like to see for Semantic Treehouse?

'The market also continues to move in the technical field. At the moment the SETU messages are sent in XML format,' but Kevin sees that JSON is being used more and more. Semantic Treehouse supports us in making the step towards a syntax-independent data model that can be expressed in both XML and JSON. Kevin informs us that, in addition to the XML validator, we have to get started quickly to also enable JSON validation. "The validator really adds value for implementing parties.'

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