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v3.0.1 (10 june 2024)

Bugfixes / UX improvements

  • Issue 1048 Improve performance of interfaces that allow to select from all Artefacts, including the Edit issue/change request page
  • Issue 1063 Bugfix access to edit review comment interface. Change role from reviewer to beheerder (maintainer)
  • Issue 1064 Bugfix showing union codelist entries
  • Issue 1068 Bugfix hide syntax bindings for validator that are not enabled
  • Issue 1069 Show full path for element mappings
  • Issue 1071 Bugfix fatal error call to member function on null (occurred in treeview editor)
  • Issue 1073 Bugfix hide spreadsheet export button that is shown while not being logged in
  • Issue 1062 Fix for browser cache that prevents showing the new frontend application after rollout

v3.0.0 (3 june 2024)

New functionalities

  • Message mapping functionality
    • Issue 692 Highlight mapped elements
    • Issue 693 Add related tree based on message mapping
    • Add overview of message mappings as menu item
    • Fix migration script
  • Review functionality
    • Issue 963 Add review comments for elements and codelists (not yet taxonomy concepts and other artefacts)
    • Issue 978 Allow access to draft specifications by users with role Reviewer
    • Issue 1055 Treeview: add filter: show only with open issues
  • Issue 993 Wizard PropertyDTO look for definition on range class if property has no definition
  • Issue 1017 Allow external codelists to have + show codelist entries

Bugfixes / UX improvements

  • Issue 959 Bugfix adding syntax binding due to long loading times and fix syntax binding dropdown too wide
  • Issue 986 Bugfix creating new row in table when there are invariant rule violations
  • Issue 991 Bugfix create/edit element mappings in Edit element interface
  • Issue 1005 Bugfix showing BR after adding/removing existing BR to element
  • Issue 1050 Fix deleting wrong item in lists
  • Issue 1051 Hide all concepts list for taxonomy view.
  • Issue 1052 Move "no review comments" message up
  • Issue 1057 Atomic object: fix not updating options
  • Issue 1058 Don't ask user for additional confirmation when removing item from a list (non destructive action)
  • Bugfix box templates for use case with creating new items in empty list
  • Bugfix issue with review comments
  • Upgrade prettier to better support ng new @if template syntax
  • Update development environment
    • Add development-specific frontend and backend services to docker-compose.yml, enabling hot-reload for both
    • Add PHP-devtools service for use in combination with JetBrains PHPStorm for a fully containerized dev environment
    • Use Docker Compose profiles for intuitive building/starting/stopping of dev and/or prod builds of the application
    • Remove docker-compose.yml from .gitignore, and add docker-compose.local.example.yml as an example of a local compose file extending the default
  • With migration script add new Reviewer role to accounts that already have Administrator, Beheerder and/or Account manager role
  • Refactoring of validator and syntax binding related concepts, relations and interfaces. Preparation for introducing JSON validator

v3.0.0-beta.4 / v2.22.0 (27 april 2024)

New functionalities

  • Issue 885 Include more details in taxonomy exports
  • Issue 935 Accounts, edit allowed roles screen missing

Bugfixes / UX improvements

  • Issue 919 Add short description of specification types in menu to add new specification
  • Issue 1001 Improve taxonomy export performance
  • Issue 1014 Add Project Metadata Types and Add Hide Export option for taxonomy spec version and skosconcepts
  • Update to Ampersand prototype framework v1.18.0
  • Issue 883 Change mentions of NEN2767-4 to NEN2767-4-2
  • Issue 989 Migrate artefact metadata to simplify database
  • Issue 999 Move STH_ID columns to end of table

v3.0.0-beta.3 / v2.21.1 (10 Feb 2024)

New functionalities

Bugfixes / UX improvements

  • Issue 929 Fix element order in wizard for json schema and csv inputs
  • Issue 938 Add missing sort functionality to BOX TABLE template
  • Issue 953 Fix possible sub elements are not sorted correctly based on underlying ontology
  • Issue 954 Fix version menu showing wrong version for unpublished versions
  • Issue 956 Add used by other codelists to codelist overview
  • Issue 971 Fix for undefined resource at component initialization
  • Issue 972 Add missing menu item for business rules overview
  • Issue 973 Remove heading for empty list of syntax bindings in related trees menu
  • Issue 980 Allow to create/delete projects owner by groups in Edit group interface
  • List unpublished versions for maintainers (having access to Edit specifcation interfaces)
  • Also show empty projects; i.e. when there are no specifications to show
  • Issue 925 Change GCS storage client from opt-out to opt-in. Default is disabled now
  • Restructure + bugfix Helm values file
  • PM issue 119 Remove references to TNO specific deployment aspects

v3.0.0-beta.2 / v2.21.0 (22 Jan 2024)

New functionalities

  • Issue 839 Individuals of the range class are included in the wizard step 3 examples and schemas
  • Issue 840 Add API to create message model from CSV file upload
  • Issue 843 Implement UX designs for message models based on CSV
  • Issue 871 Add table view to projects page + improve spec cards
  • Issue 912 Push default STH and flyway images to public image registry
  • Issue 917 Allow viewing secondary trees in the wizard treeview
  • Allow to edit certain technical details like elmPropertyUri, elmClassUri, elmBaseDatatypeUri and elmJsonPointer

Bugfixes / UX improvements

  • Issue 626 Remove deprecated relation projectOrg[Project*Organization]
  • Issue 665 Add check for duplicate names in sub elements. Display error to user in export
  • Issue 881 Taxonomy export: split structure in multiple columns
  • Issue 886 Replace UI label 'wizard' with 'edit' message model
  • Issue 893 Improve codelist page. Columns for added/removed dates
  • Issue 899 Bugfix missing button to create new objects in BOX templates
  • Issue 901 Add whitespace between validator and results
  • Issue 905 Bugfixes in headings and formatting output in wizard step 3
  • Issue 908 Add other views to 'recently viewed' section on homepage
  • Issue 910 Bugfix toggle 'Show used properties' should only be visible in edit mode
  • Issue 911 Bugfix 'validator' link on spec cards are not always displayed
  • Issue 913 Reduce whtiespace between projects on specification overview
  • Issue 914 Add loading indicator for validator information
  • Issue 915 Fix missing option to upload new version of file object
  • Issue 916 Bugfix broken link to business rules in validator UI
  • Issue 918 Improve issue view
  • Issue 921 Fix missing specification version in 'see also' column
  • Issue 923 Add redirect to previous page after login triggered by user
  • Issue 926 Bugfix sorting versions in validator UI
  • Issue 928 Fix missing buttons for 'add all' and 'add next level descendants' in wizard step 2
  • Issue 930 Bugfix patches not working on resources that are in a root list interface
  • Issue 936 Bugfix AtomicFileObjectComponent calling backend too many times
  • Issue 941 Bugfix showing all tabs; adding scrollable tabs
  • Issue 942 Bugfix button to add next level descendents is wrongly shown in tree view viewing mode
  • Issue 943 Bugfix crud functionality on genereated non-uni root boxes
  • Issue 946 Bugfix DCAT export buttons should only be displayed when logged in
  • Issue 955 Bugfix large content cut of in text fields (e.g. in edit ontology version)
  • Clarify class and basedatatype in technical details view
  • Group possible properties by ObjectProperties and DatatypeProperties in wizard step 2
  • Bugfix output folder of frontend dist by esbuild
  • PM Issue 190 Update SETU welcome text
  • Issue 617 Update to PHP 8.3
  • Issue 784 Add helm charts for easy deployment of application
  • Issue 838 Update to Angular v17
  • Publish helm charts in chart repo located at
  • Dockerfile with frontend v3 is now the default Dockerfile
  • Fix CI check for database structure file
  • Restructure CI configuration + improve pipeline duration + fix repo for build cache
  • Update to Ampersand prototype framework v1.17.0
  • Update to PHP 8.3
  • Update backend dependencies + add CI job to check for this
  • Add CI job for frontend testing
  • Add CI job for frontend linting
  • Run all CI check jobs (except changelog) also on main branch
  • Fix missing build argument for multi-language frontend

v3.0.0-beta.1 / v2.20.0 (29 Nov 2023)

  • Issue 664 Individuals of the range class of a property are picked up by the FIT Wizard in Step 2
  • Issue 783 Add endpoint to export specs meta data in DCAT
  • Issue 854 Add endpoint for downloading JSON SchemaSpecs
  • Issue 887 Fix loading empty ontology (version) in WebVOWL viewer
  • Frontend v3 related:
    • Issue 378 Update treeview after editing element details
    • Issue 690 Add functionality to create a new message model specification using the wizard
    • Issue 768 Hide elements in taxonomy tree when using search filter
    • Issue 789 Integrate + fix codebase Ampersand framework, including:
      • Show notifications from backend when editing via generated interfaces
      • Make sure you don't lose focus when switching fields in generated interfaces
      • Make sure generated interface values don't go out of sync with backend values
    • Issue 793 Improve carousel of specifications by introducing hightlighted specifications
    • Issue 799 Review and update Dutch (nl) translation file
    • Issue 814 Add buttons for DCAT-AP export in UI
    • Issue 815 Allow editing element details
    • Issue 820 Add missing templates for generated interfaces
    • Issue 827 Add manual json schema specification overview page
    • Issue 845 Add option to select target sub class in wizard step 2
    • Issue 864 Add sorting for columns and download button in codelist overview
    • Issue 869 Add option to show used properties in treeview wizard mode
    • Issue 900 Bugfix routing for message-model
    • Issue 903 Bugfix non-editable boolean component
    • Issue 906 Bugfix character encoding in spec card description
    • Bugfix label instead of name for possible sub elements
    • Fix missing possible properties from superclasses
    • Improve edit element interface and its use in wizard view
    • Adapt Dockerfile(s) to handle multiple locales and serve default locale in root directory
  • Environments:
    • PM Issue 143 Add frontend v3 customizations for SETU image
    • Set frontend v3 as default for KS, SETU, FEDeRATED, SUTC, STPE, EVH, SCSN and STH images
    • Use default STH image for ZEROW environment
    • Set NL locale as default for NEN image