v2.19.0 / v3.0.0-alpha.3 (30 June 2023)
- Epic 10 First implementation of JSON schema input for FIT wizard
- Issue 383 Add functionality to select sub classes for element type in wizard
- Issue 705 Move fixed config var oauthlogin.stateHashSecret to ENV var
- Issue 722 Customize Federated Header (and add job to runner)
- Issue 725 Fix + update issue with images of CI jobs
- Issue 727 No URIs generated by wizard example generator
- Issue 737 Add metamodel migration for new JsonSchemaSpec
- Bugfix issue with getting correct range class/datatype when SHACL shape applied
- Frontend v3 related:
- Issue 709 Add issue number to several issue related components
- Issue 714 Fix links to issue references
- Issue 717 Implement UI for Taxonomy concept view
- Issue 728 Improve search field - add ctrl-k and esc short keys
- Fix group interface showing number of meetings and members and showing upcoming meeting(s)
v2.19.1 / v3.0.0-alpha.4 (25 August 2023)
- Issue 720 How to handle REFs for JSON Schema resolution
- Issue 734 Fix issue with style property in json schema in wizard OpenAPI spec generator
- Issue 744 JSON schema generator - ContentMediaType: base64 needs to be ContentEncoding: base64
- Issue 750 Add functionality to specify taxonomy top level concepts
- Issue 751 Bugfix in example generator with minimal multiplicity
- Frontend v3 related:
- Issue 685 Include icon in different specification overview pages
- Issue 721 Process feedback on new frontend
- Issue 745 Improve outline on start page. Sort cards by last publication date
- Issue 748 Restructure title, subtitle and definition for taxonomy concept and treeview element details.
- Issue 749 Allow for additional menu items
- Specification card improvements: primary button and actions redefined, styling, skeletons while loading, download actions, ..
- Improvement of specification pages: message model and taxonomy
- Fix linking to validator
- Add CI job to check if generated frontend files need to be updated
- Add customizations for Ketenstandaard environment
v2.19.2 / v3.0.0-alpha.4 (22 Sept 2023)
- Issue 736 Add tags in wizard oas output
- Issue 738 Improve error reporting to user when json schema is not correct or cannot be used as input for the wizard.
- Issue 765 Add json schema preprocessor implementation
- Issue 780 Bugfix WebVOWL viewer access to API endpoint due to signing key too short
v2.19.3 / v3.0.0-alpha.5 (27 Oct 2023)
- Issue 743 Bugfix showing subclasses of base datatypes in wizard
- Issue 798 Add DIL to runner
- Issue 801 Add version number to filename of message export to excel
- Frontend v3 related:
- Issue 754 Add custom metadata fields to tree view for messages and taxonomies
- Issue 778 Add internationalisation, add Dutch translation, add language switcher
- Issue 789 Fix generated interfaces, add links to them in manual interfaces
- Issue 789 Update shared ampersand modules
- Issue 794 Fix wrong order for highlighted version when selecting based on publication dates
- Issue 796 Project list: mark public projects
- Issue 816 Add role selector to v3
- Fix issue with infinate loop when image-missing.png is not found