v2.13.0 (7 october 2022)
- Issue 527 Add SHACL output generator to FIT wizard
- Issue 531 Update NEN front page.
- Issue 546 By default use element label instead of name in treeview
- Issue 548 Fix incorrect meta-population output causing Access denied error
- Issue 556 Implement toggle XSD generation style Venetian Blind / Russian Doll
- Issue 561 Add RDF example to wizard output
- Issue 571 Bugfix in JSON example in wizard output
- Doc Issue 9 Move privacy statement to Semantic Treehouse landing page
- Update to Ampersand prototype framework v1.16.0
- Lower severity of invalid state parameter for OAuth login to NOTICE (instead of ERROR). Relates to #487
- Major refactoring of backend code, including:
- Introduction of API Controllers, instead of anonymous functions
- Put all API files together in folder:
and auto loading those files
- Move classes about Taxonomy and Message specifications (incl. Element, ElementType classes) into new namespace
- Make code for RDF response reusable in new Trait